spraying pest control on house

Pest Control

For Austin residents, pests can be a problem throughout the year. Our warm, humid climate creates a perfect breeding ground where bugs and insects can thrive.

Our pest control team uses targeted treatments with low-impact products to create a pest free home & keep it that way throughout the year. We also provide recommendations for you to create a less habitable space unwanted visitors.

What is Jo’s Pest Control Service Program?

As most Austin residents know, pest control is not just a “summertime necessity.” Ants, roaches, spiders, scorpions can be a year-round issue for most homeowners - which is why our pest control maintenance service continues through every season. Our general pest control plan has an initial component and a maintenance component.

Initial Pest Control Service

For the initial service, Jo’s will provide an inside & outside service. The inside treatment is designed to get your home bug free using a combination of baits, dusts & indoor-labeled insecticides. The inside treatment is very targeted to take care of the active pest & treat other potential insect harborage areas - cracks, crevices, plumbing penetrations, under cabinetry, etc. Jo’s will also treat the outside perimeter of the home to keep any unwanted critters from making it inside. This initial service should get your home pest free & put in place a barrier to keep them from coming in.

Pest Control Maintenance

The maintenance component of the service is performed every two months & it is designed to re-establish the outside protection to keep bugs from coming in. During the service, the licensed Jo’s specialist will treat around the foundation, doors & windows. They will bait the yard & garden beds for ants, roaches, and other insects. They will also apply a dust to roofline, weepholes cracks & crevices to deter any insects making entry. Visible wasp nests & ant mounds are also treated during the maintenance services. The maintenance service is generally outside only, but if there are any issues inside, we of course will provide a complementary interior service.

Yearly Coverage

Any customer on our general pest control program is covered for pests throughout the year. If problems arise between your regularly scheduled services, Jo’s will send out a specialist at no additional charge to re-treat and ensure your home stays bug free!

guy doing lawn care in austin, texas

Pest Control Services

roach infestation

Roach Control

Cockroach infestations are among the most prevalent and persistent issues. Our roach treatment plans are catered to suit the specific needs of each home. Eliminating roaches permanently requires…

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Spider Control

Spiders are often out of site and out of mind but can cause health problems and grow into an infestation if left unchecked.

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spider pest control

Ant Control

Ants are constantly searching for shelter, food, or water, which often leads them to enter your home. Without effective pest control…

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ant control in austin

Silverfish Control

Silverfish can cause damage to your living space and attract other pests.


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silverfish infestation
mosquito control in texas

Mosquito Control

Texas is home to lots of mosquitos. With our service we can help control and reduce the impact to your outdoor living spaces.

Wasp Control

Wasps can be dangerous to humans because they are territorial and aggressive, can sting multiple times, and can trigger allergic reactions

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wasp problems

Scorpion Control

Who wants to step on a scorpion? No one. Let us help.

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scorpion control austin

Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and Ticks can cause a lot of skin irritation, infest your home and pets.

flea control


  • Before we provide any treatment, our technician will provide an assessment of the property to identify the “problem pest” and potential harborage areas. On our initial service we will treat inside & outside. For the interior, we will focus on taking care of any active pest issues. We will will also lightly treat any common harborage points for pests - plumbing penetrations, attic, window sills, etc. For the exterior treatment, we will treat around the foundation of the home as well as around doors, windows and eaves. We also knock down wasp nests, bait for roaches & treat ant mound that we see around the property.

    After our initial service, we provide an every other month maintenance service. The maintenance service is designed to be outside only unless you are noticing problems inside your home. Of course if you are having problems between maintenance services, give us a call & we’ll come out at no extra charge.

  • Homeowners and pets can remain home while our specialist is treating. By combination of products and application method, any interior treatment is designed to be very low-impact. We often are treating in areas that you & your pets do not often access - attic, cabinetry, plumbing penetrations, etc.

    Additionally, our licensed specialists are trained to handle the products that they are using. They will be sure to let you know any special instructions should you need to stay out of an area for any period of time.

  • At the conclusion of your our service, you may notice a small uptick in bug activity as we “flush” insects out of their current areas. A few days after the service, homeowners should notice a decrease in pest activity. If you are still having problems a week after service, call us back & we will send a specialist out to re-treat at no additional charge.

  • While a chemical approach is going to help with preventing pests, we also believe in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices using chemical, physical & environmental control methods to make your home less habitable for pests.

    This could be as simple as replacing your weather stripping or windows. It also means keeping trees and bushes from touching your home, clearing gutters and eliminating unnecessary standing water around your home.

    While we are out, our specialist will identify any potential problems and give you recommendations to keep your home pest free!