How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Having problems with ants around your home? Here are some keys things to note.

ants in your home

Understanding Ants and Their Habits

Ants in the home are never a welcome sight. To effectively get rid of these pests, it’s crucial to understand their behaviors and preferences like what do they eat, drink and how to get rid of them.

What Do Ants Eat?

Ants are highly driven by food, just like us. To prevent ants from invading your home, especially your kitchen, it's essential to keep it clean. Any sugary or sweet foods left out or unsealed will attract ants. Besides sugar, ants consume proteins such as dead lizards, seeds, grains, fungus, and even other ants and insects. Since ants will eat almost anything, cleaning up crumbs and grease in your kitchen is a must.

What Do Ants Drink?

Ants, like all living creatures, need water to survive. Moisture in or around your house can attract ants. Most pests and rodents are drawn to homes that offer food, water, and shelter. Eliminating these attractants is key to keeping ants at bay.

Types of Ants in Your Home

Sugar Ants in the Kitchen

"Sugar ants" is a common nickname for ants that are attracted to sugar, including Odorous ants, Pharaoh ants, Carpenter ants, Little black ants, and Pavement ants. These ants love it when you leave sugary snacks out.

Small Black Ants in the House

Little black ants are a type of sugar ant commonly found in homes during the summer. They are small and black, and while they can bite, they do not sting.

Texas Fire Ants

Fire ants are a significant pest in Texas. Their bites can be medically problematic, especially for those with allergies. Treating individual mounds or, in severe cases, the entire lawn can effectively keep your yard fire ant-free.

Preventing Ants from Entering Your Home

The best way to keep ants out of your home is to prevent them from getting in. Seal any cracks and crevices around your home’s exterior. Ants are clever and can lead other ants to entry points. If you see a trail, trace it to its source and seal the crevice to deter further entry.

Insecticides are often used around the perimeter of the home to keep ants from entering. They can also be used inside to address existing issues.

Dealing with an Ant Infestation

For an ant infestation, a combination of baits, insecticides, and dusts can be effective in eliminating ants within the structure and preventing further entry.

Ant Bait Traps

Ants are social insects living in colonies, often sharing food. This behavior makes bait traps highly effective. Ants take the bait back to their colony, creating a chain effect that can wipe out the entire colony. Since ants often live in wall voids, baiting is a good method to reach them.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Ants

  • Vinegar: Wipe down surfaces with a solution of vinegar and water.

  • Lemon Juice: Spray lemon juice around entry points.

  • Essential Oils: Use peppermint, tea tree, or other essential oils as natural repellents.

Professional Pest Control

For the most effective and comprehensive pest control, hiring a professional is your best option. A professional pest control expert will provide the best coverage for your home, ensuring it remains protected from ants and other pests.

Call Jo’s Pest Control

Keeping your home free of ants involves understanding their habits, maintaining cleanliness, sealing entry points, and using the right treatments. Whether you opt for DIY methods or professional help, taking action promptly will ensure your home remains ant-free.

For expert advice and professional pest control services, contact us today. We’ll help you keep your home safe and pest-free.

Ready to get your ant problem under control?

Jo’s Pest & Lawn is a brand new family owned business based right here in Central Austin.

With years of experience in the industry, we pride ourselves in providing a tailored, eco-friendly solution for your pest control and lawn care needs.