jo's lawn care fertilizing grass

Jo’s Lawn Fertiliztion

Central Texas often presents challenging climates for lawns – from extreme heat with prolonged droughts in the summertime to unpredictable winters. Jo’s turf enrichment program helps improve health, color and root development of your grass.

Additionally, regular monitoring and maintenance by Jo’s expert team provide tailored adjustments to meet your lawn's specific needs, resulting in a lush, vibrant, and resilient landscape year-round.

What is Jo’s Premiere Lawn Care Service?

Jo's offers an all-encompassing premiere lawn care service that will help your lawn thrive throughout the year. This plan includes 8 annual services including: 

Pre-emergent Applications

Pre-emergent applications in the summer and winter helps your lawn suppress weeds before they can germinate and take over your lawn.

Seasonal Fertilizer

Fertilizer applications in the spring and fall to help give your lawn a thick and lush look during the peak growing seasons.

Insect Treatments

Insect treatments in the summer time to help suppress turf threatening insects - chinch bugs, grubs worms & fire ants.

Disease Control

Preventatively treat lawn for disease during the fall and spring when they are most susceptible to diseases. 


Post-emergent weed control for weeds that may be present during the service.

jo's lawn care service inspection grass


  • Before any treatment, Jo’s provides an assessment of your lawn where we will check for diseases, turf threatening insects or other potential problems. We will also get an understanding of external factors that may affect your lawn – traffic from kids or pets, watering system and mowing frequency. Once we complete our assessment, we can put together an application plan that best suits your yard.

  • We believe that the best control for weeds is a healthy & lush lawn. Our goal at Jo’s is to promote an environment where your grass can thrive and weeds will be choked out. While we can not guarantee that you won’t see weeds again, our specialists will spot treat grassy & broadleaf weeds as they pop up between services.

  • Fertilization is a key component to maintaining a healthy lawn, but there are other steps to enhance the health of your yard.

    Watering schedule: While rainfall in Austin can sometimes be scarce, maintaining a good watering schedule is critical to a healthy lawn. Whether you are using a hose or have a built in irrigation system, it is best that your lawn gets watered once or twice per week (depending on watering restrictions in your area). We also recommend setting your irrigation system to come on in the early morning hours as your yard can best absorb water during that time.

    Mowing schedule: A regular mowing schedule also is important to maintaining a healthy turf. Mowing will enhance new growth and better allows your yard to absorb nutrients. Mowing height and frequency varies by yard and time of year. Generally, you can keep your grass height a bit shorter in the spring time to promote new growth. In the summertime, you’ll want to increase the height to prevent your grass from getting burned.

    Insect control: Grub worms, fire ants, chinch bugs can all pose a threat to your yard. Jo’s offers insect control treatments where we come out & diagnose the type of insect is hurting your lawn & put together a treatment plan to keep those critters from destroying your grass.

    Disease control: Lawns are susceptible to a few different diseases that can turn your yard a yellow-ish color or ultimately kill your grass. Jo’s also offers disease control treatments where we will diagnose the disease your lawn has & put together a multi-phase treatment plan to keep it from taking over your lawn.

  • We are very mindful of the products that we use to treat your lawn. The safety of your family & furry family is our top priority. Our licensed specialists are trained to apply low impact products that are conscientious of your family and the environment.