Silverfish Pest Control: What You Need to Know

Silverfish are those sneaky little insects that seem to show up out of nowhere. Small, wingless, and belonging to the ancient order Zygentoma, they get their name from their silvery-grey color and the way they move—kind of like a fish.

Why Are Silverfish in My Home?

Silverfish thrive in damp, dark spots and have a taste for starchy foods. Like most pests, they find their way into your home through cracks, crevices, or even cardboard boxes. You might not notice them until they become a problem, but once they're in, they can cause some serious damage.

While silverfish don’t carry diseases, they can still wreak havoc on your property. They love to munch on things like book covers, wallpaper glue, and fabrics. Even worse, female silverfish can lay up to 60 eggs at a time, meaning a small problem can quickly spiral into a bigger issue.

Carpet Silverfish: What Are They?

Carpet silverfish are a specific type of silverfish, scientifically known as Ctenolepisma lineatum. Just like their cousins, they’re small, wingless, and have that telltale silvery-grey look. They get their name because they’re often found in homes, especially in carpeted areas.

These little guys have a thing for starchy materials and organic fibers, which is why they can be a pest in your home. They’ll munch on everything from carpets and upholstery to clothing and book bindings. While they don’t pose a direct threat to humans, they can cause significant damage to your belongings over time.

Carpet silverfish love warm, humid environments and are most active at night, making them hard to spot during the day. If you notice tiny holes in your fabrics or find their molted skins, it might be time to take action.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish in Your Home

Tackling a silverfish infestation means addressing both the bugs and their hiding spots. While DIY remedies might offer some relief, they often only provide a temporary fix. Silverfish traps can catch a few of them, but they won’t stop an entire population from sticking around.

Cedar Oil: A DIY Solution for Silverfish

If you’re looking for a natural way to deter silverfish, cedar oil might do the trick. Silverfish aren’t fans of the smell, so it can help keep them at bay. However, it’s important to note that while cedar oil can be part of your strategy, it won’t solve the problem entirely.

Can Pest Control Get Rid of Silverfish?

Absolutely. At Jo’s Pest Control, we can develop a plan to eliminate your silverfish problems and prevent future infestations. We’ll address both the visible bugs and their offspring, ensuring your home stays silverfish-free for the long haul.

If you’re dealing with silverfish or any other pests, give us a call at Jo’s Pest Control. We’re here to help you keep your home safe and pest-free.

Ready to get your pest problem under control?

Jo’s Pest & Lawn is a brand new family owned business based right here in Central Austin.

With years of experience in the industry, we pride ourselves in providing a tailored, eco-friendly solution for your pest control and lawn care needs.