rodent control maintenance worker

Rodent Control

Austin is home to many furry critters that can take residence in your home. While they may look cute, they can pose a threat to you and your family. They can also cause costly damage to your duct-work, insulation, electrical lines & plumbing lines. Rats, mice, squirrels and raccoons are some of the more common pests that may take refuge in your attic.

Jo's specializes in humanely trapping and removing critters to keep your home free of any unwanted houseguests. 

What does Jo's rodent service look like?

Jo's will start off all rodent services with an evaluation to determine the type of rodent, the extent of the activity and the point of entry. From there, we will be able to put a plan in place to remove these unwanted houseguests & keep them out for good. 

On the very first service, we will set out the appropriate traps for the problem pest. We use traditional snap traps for mice & rats. We'll use live animal traps for raccoons & squirrels. We will also seal up points of entry to keep them from coming in. Some of the more common entry points include - uncovered vents, roof joints, eaves and gaps within the garage door. All of these will be inspected and sealed up when appropriate. 

Jo's will come back every few days (depending on the type of activity) to check the traps & remove them as needed.  Once your home is critter free, we will remove all traps.

Pest Control Services

Pest Control Problems?

Have pest problems such as spiders, ants, mosquitos and more? Check out what we can do for you at our pest control services.

Rat Control

Bugs & insects can be a year round problem for Austin residents. Our pest control team will make that only your family resides in your home.

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rat control in austin, texas

Armadillo Control

Say goodbye to pesky mosquitoes and enjoy your outdoor spaces again with our mosquito control services.

armadillo control in texas

Raccoon Control

You are not the only one that enjoys the cozy confines of your home. Our rodent control team will kick out any unwanted visitors for good!

raccoon control


  • Most homeowners will come to us knowing that something is living in their home, but they may not be able to say what it is.

    It is also very seldom that we are able to get eyes on any rodents on our initial evaluation as most rodents tend to be very scared of humans. That said there are other ways that we can identify the activity. Identifying the critter's poop is generally the easiest way to pick out a specific rodent. Gnaw marks and rub marks are another way to tell the type of activity. During our initial evaluation, we will want to know what you are noticing as that will also help us puzzle which critter may be taking residence in your home.

  • The price for any rodent solution varies widely. The size of the home, foundation of the home, type of rodent & the severity of the issue all play a role when determining the price. Give us a call & we will gladly set up an estimate at no charge to you!

  • The safety of you, your family & furry family is the most important aspect of any service. This starts by over-communicating what we are doing, where we are setting up traps or bait stations & where we may be sealing up. Rest assured that anything that is harmful towards unwanted rodents will be inaccessible to your kids or pets.

  • The time it takes to completely evict critters may vary. Rodents - especially rats - can be very hesitant towards any disruption to their nests & may be weary to approach any kind of bait or trap. That said, Jo’s is committed to making sure you are critter free as we are able!