mosquito control worker in texas

What does the Jo’s Mosquito Service Look Like?

Before performing any treatment, a Jo's specialist will perform a quick evaluation of your property to identify hot spots & breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Some of the more common hot spots we identify are shrubs, trees, brush, under decks or sheds & areas that collect standing water. All these areas provide shade and at least some coverage for wind - so mosquitoes are more likely to harbor there. 

After our assessment, we will start treating the property with a heavier focus on those identified breeding areas. Our service is a monthly backpack misting treatment. During this service we are applying a fine mist that targets mosquitoes in all life stages. This mist will knockdown the mosquitoes that are on your property - but it also has a lasting residual that effectively keeps them from hanging around your property. 

At the conclusion of the service, we will perform one more quick assessment of your property to help identify ways that you can deter mosquitoes. This could be clearing up piles of leaves, emptying any vessels that carry standing water, or cleaning debris out of your gutters. 

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are often unwanted visitors to your backyard party or outdoor zin space. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can transmit serious diseases - including West Nile, malaria or Zika.

While mosquitoes are active for most of the year, you don’t need to be miserable every time you go outside. Jo’s offers a monthly backpack misting service that will knock down the existing mosquito population and leave a residual that prevents them from hanging out around your backyard.

Lawn mosquito control in Austin, Texas


  • We schedule our mosquito backpack misting service on a monthly basis. After the service, you should see a pretty immediate reduction in the mosquito population around your yard. While there’s not an application that will entirely eliminate mosquitoes from your yard, we estimate that our application will bring down the mosquito population around your home by 80-90%. Customers usually see increased effectiveness the longer that they continue mosquito service.

  • The safety of our customers is top of mind when we are applying any application & we are very careful to select low impact products that are not harmful to your kids or pets. We have licensed technicians that are trained to handle these low-concentration applications & are overly cautious when applying treatment. We're happy to answer any questions for you to address any concerns that you may have.

  • The price for our monthly mosquito control is based on both the size of the area and the conducive areas surrounding your property. We can provide a free estimate for our service over the phone!

  • There is no sure fire method to completely eliminating the mosquito population around, but there are some simple measures that you can take to reduce the blood suckers around your home. First dump out any standing water that accumulates in your yard – whether it is tires, dog bowls or kids toys – it does not take much water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in. Second, make sure that rain water has a pathway to drain away from your property. Stagnant buildups in rain water can also harbor mosquito activity. Lastly, keep up with your lawn & landscape. Unkept lawns, shrubs, trees and even gutters can present great areas for mosquitoes to fester.