DIY Pest Control vs. Hiring a Pro: What’s the benefit?

spraying pest control

If you are like most people, you have weighed the cost/ benefit analysis of hiring a pest control company or taking care of a pest problem yourself. In fact you have probably played the role of pest control technician at some point in the past. It may be as simple as introducing a roach to the bottom of your sandal or as cumbersome as getting up on your roof and sealing up entry points from mice. If you live in Austin, there is no doubt that at one point you have had to put on your pest professional  hat to take care of an uninvited house guest. In this post, we'll look at some of the easier things that homeowners can do to help suppress pests & the benefits of bringing on a professional.


Eliminating bugs in & around your home is not rocket science. But there is more of an art than may immediately meet the eye.  A pest professional will best be able to identify the types of pest, the habits of those pests & provide a solution that best targets that pest. A licensed pest specialist will have the knowledge of the latest advancements to be able to tackle your problem with the most up-to-date solution. In essence, the investment in an experienced pest technician is a proactive step toward a pest-free and comfortable living or working space.

Chemical Exposure

A pest professional is also licensed & trained to apply specific pesticides that best tackle your  problem. No more "bug bombing" your home. Our trained technicians should be able to identify the issue & provide a targeted solution that will take care of an issue without displacing your family or your pets from the home.  Many of the chemicals that are used in your home should require specific protective equipment and have an entire label dedicated on how to mix, how to apply, when to apply and precautions you should take to limit exposure. A licensed pest specialist is well versed on pesticides & will apply them in a manner that is safe for you and your family.

Integrated Pets Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive and sustainable approach to pest control that combines various strategies to minimize the impact of pests while prioritizing environmental and human safety. IPM integrates a range of practices such as biological controls, habitat manipulation, and cultural practices. By emphasizing prevention and the use of multiple control methods, IPM aims to reduce reliance on pesticides and minimize their potential negative effects. This holistic approach considers the ecosystem as a whole, taking into account the biology of pests, monitoring their populations, and implementing targeted interventions only when necessary. The goal of IPM is to achieve effective pest management with the least possible harm to people, property, and the environment, promoting a balanced and sustainable coexistence between humans and the ecosystems they inhabit. A pest professional can help  you to identify ways you can limit pests in your home without having to use any chemicals at all. 

Jo’s is Ready to Help!

If you are in the Austin area, there is no doubt that you have encountered all sorts of bugs in & around your home. If you feel a pest issue is getting out of hand, we are always happy to rid your home of pests & put together a plan to keep them out all year round. 


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